Monday 9 July 2012

Alfredo and I / Alfredo und ich

Next Kombiticket Workshop: Alfredo and I / Alfredo und Ich
13 - 15 Juli, 2012 12 - 17 Uhr

Alfredo und Ich
mit Catriona Shaw & Constanze Knapp

Wer ist Alfredo Jaar? Ein Künstler, dessen Werke in Form einer großen Retrospektive in drei Gallerien Berlins zu bestaunen sind?
Es fällt oft schwer, sich KünstlerInnen als Persönlichkeiten vorzustellen, wenn man nur deren Arbeiten in den Ausstellungen vor sich hat. KünstlerInnen kommunizieren durch die Kunst, gewähren uns Einblick in Ideen, Vorstellungen, Konzepte ohne persönlich anwesend zu sein. Eine Retrospektive gewährt uns Einblick in ein Leben, eine Persönlichkeit und wir entwickeln eine Vorstellung der Person. Wir erkennen bestimmte Charaktereigenschaften durch die Inhalte der Arbeiten und tauchen ein in eine fremde Lebensgeschichte.

In diesem Workshop untersuchen wir eine retrospektive Ausstellung die den Künstler als Individuum repräsentiert und fordern die Teilnehmenden auf zu versuchen, sich hinter den großen Werken vorzustellen wer der Künstler ist. Zusammen wollen wir uns ein Bild machen und versuchen durch Storytelling, Masken und Sounds ein Persönlichkeitsbild  des Künstlers Alfredo zu erstellen. Hierbei wird es auch um die Vermittlung technischer Fachkenntnisse im Bereich Storytelling/Performance, Masken und Kostüm und Audiorecording gehen.

Alfredo and I
with Catriona Shaw & Constanze Knapp

Who is Alfredo Jaar - the artist whose expansive body of work is currently on show as part of a major retrospective in three different locations throughout Berlin?

Can we connect the artist as an individual, based purely on the work presented in an exhibition? Through artistic methodology and chosen subject matter, the maker not only communicates their interests and ideas, they introduce us to certain aspects of their character as well as. In particular, a retrospective exhibition not only presents a 'body of work' by an important living artist, but also suffices to paint a more personal picture of the artist in question - we start to recognize 'character traits' via the content and chosen formats, and also become privy to milestones and developments in their life and career.

Based on the chronology, content and format of the work of Alfredo Jaar, this workshop examines  how we relate not only to the work of an artist but also to the artist themselves by encouraging participants to identify personal relations to the history, character and motivation presented. As part of a close reading process, detection and extraction we will construct an imaginative portrait of the artist, resulting in discussion, performance and intervention as well as the learning of some basic technical skills including staging, film and sound recording/editing

I am Happy in Berlin

I am Happy in Berlin  
19.06.2012, from 2pm / Open participation

Berlin in 2012. A city that has lived through myriad changes in the last century is alive with what seems like an endless stream of newcomers and cultural interest. An attractive and burgeoning scene invites guests from all over the world who are delighted to savor the easy-going, inexpensive and bohemian lifestyle one encounters as a "Neu-Berliner". Right now, in the midst of financial insecurity, Berlin has the highest number of new business initiatives than anywhere else in Germany. Neu-Berliners seem to be more interested in art than politics. With all the 'difficult' parts of life seemingly taking a back seat, one could ask: Is happiness bountiful in Berlin?

As part of the Alfredo Jaar retrospective, "Eine Aesthetik des Widerstands", Kombiticket offered a 1-day workshop at the NGBK, based specifically on Jaar's work "Studies on Happiness", (1979-81), Encompassing discussion, intervention, performance and documentation we will carry out research in the immediate surroundings of the NGBK and develop a Berlin-(Kreuzberg)-specific 'image of happiness', based on the results of our research.

This workshop included insights into the work and methodology of an important international artists, as well as developing a practical understanding of discursive and technical skills that are part and parcel of contemporary art practice.

"How do you recognise a state of happiness in Berlin" or "What does happiness mean in a city like Berlin" were some of the questions we asked. Here is a selection of some of the answers from the spontaneous interviews we carried out nearby the NGBK....

Thursday 14 June 2012


 15. Juni 2012, NGBK (1.OG), 16 - 21 Uhr

Once in a while, artists take it upon themselves to publish their own work - and also the work of others. Taking matters into their own hands, they delve into the world of self-publishing - sometimes this can result in 'one-off' editions or even whole series. Impress me! is a small fair/event that casts an eye on the world of artists as publishers. The artist-publishers present will introduce their own special form (and formats!) of publishing at an event that will encompass presentations, readings and concerts.

Hin und wieder ergreifen Künstler_innen selbst die Initiative und veröffentlichen ihre eigenen Publikationen - manchmal publizieren sie auch Arbeiten anderer Künstler_innen. Sie nutzen die Gelegenheit und steigen in die Welt des 'Self-Publishings' ein. Die Ergebnisse können 'One-Offs' oder auch ganze Serien sein. 'Impress me!' ist eine Mini-Messe die ein Auge auf die Welt der Künstler_innen als 'Self-Publisher' wirft. Die Künstler_innen-Publizist_innen vor Ort werden ihre eigenen Publikationsformen (und Formate!) vorstellen im Rahmen einer Veranstaltung mit Präsentationen, Lesungen und Konzerten.

Clementine Roy (KIOSK editions, Berlin) & Florence Forterre (DEL'Art Editions, Nice, France), Nicolas Moulin (Grautag Records, Berlin), John Holten (Broken Dimanche Press, Berlin), Hank Schmidt-in-der-Beek (Poetry, Berlin), Anna Hellsgaard & Christian Gfeller (Re:Surgo!, Berlin), Juhani Seppovaara (Berlin/Helsinki), Julia Pfaller (München/Berlin) and Catriona Shaw (Kombiticket/NGBK, Berlin)

16:00 – Opening
17:30 – Julia Pfaller Presentation/Acoustic Concert
18:00 - Re:Surgo! Presentation
18:30 - Juhani Seppovaara – Lesung/Performance
19:00 – Presentation, Kiosk/Del'Art Edition
19:30 – Broken Dimanche Press – Lecture/Performance “This Is Not A Publishing House”
20:00 – Hank Schmidt in der Beek – Lesung 
20:30 – Grautag Presentation/Pharoah Chromium Concert

Tuesday 13 March 2012

Clubroom - Channel Tunnel: Views from the show!